Web Services
monitor: Monitor service for your sensors & camera device whose are on your Board Computer.
avis_courrier & biff: A box to hold letter which take photo with inexpensive wide range cammera and send notification.
Hypha & Rhizosphere: P2P collaborative service with devices & Server
Tornado_base: A tornado framework.
PYT: La Pendule avec You Tube.
Raspberry Pi
mh_z19: Python library for the inexpensive CO2 sensor.
gc_setups: Raspberry Pi Setup scripts.
gc_modem: 3G utilities for Raspberry Pi.
HomeStation: Make your home TV an interactive Watch.
getrpimodel: A python library to get Raspberry Pi model Name(eg: A, B, B+...) for branch the logic in accordance with RPi model. This can be useful to use correct serial if RPi3 or other models.
GetRPimodel_cpp: C++ version of getrpimodel.
view2: Take photo and send it to server, especially to the monitor.
Pokéctiveness2: Pokémon move effectiveness dex.
poképinyin: A chinese version pokédex with 拼音(pinyin) for search key.
PokémonTypeEffectivenessData: json data of Pokémon type effectiveness.
- Incremental Counter
Persistent Incremental Counter. It might be useful to count Error or somethings accross session, for example, count network error and reset network if it exceed a threshold.